onsdag 21. april 2010

Norwegian songs

Hva svarer du hvis noen spør deg om hvem som er the best norwegian song ever? Ikke lett. Det har vi fundert my over. Det finnes sikkert hundre gode kandidater, men vi må velge noen, så da blir det noe med Jokke og Raga. Begge handler om å sjekke damer.

For at utlendinger skal skjønne noe som helst, har Direksjonen oversatt tekstene ved hjelp av Google Translator. For noen år siden var den latterlig, men i dag er den stort sett fullt brukbar fra og til norsk og engelsk. Vi fant og rettet noen få festlige misforståelser, og synes det ser ganske bra ut.
Drar damer


Raga Rockers - Hun er fri

She is a boat without an anchor
Her head full of thoughts
and a heart that beats
for things that she believes in
She has no shoes on
What are you staring at
Your strait jerk
She is not interested in money
or gold and green meadows
or nonsense in soft beds
with a daddy's boy like you
So you will not get anywhere
to play hero for her
for what turns her on is a real freak
As he is on the way over here
He can talk all night
about things that attracts her
So they love on the mat
like wild animals
Until dawn
It is a wonderful adventure
for beautiful young humans
German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish
from good safe home
with pockets full of tension
Looking for a
friend they may never see again
Yes, it is Romantic
bordering on poetry
There are such things
that will make memories slip
When summer is over

Dro damer

Jokke og Valentinerne - Sola Skinner

The sun is shining and I'm so happy
That's because I meet you today
The sun is shining and I'm so happy
I brought beer and I have cigarettes
And all the contraception available
I brought beer and I have cigarettes today
I remember when we first met
There was sunshine and summer and the birds singing
And I was full of shit, and you were shit drunk
and it was love at first ...
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
na na na na na na na na na na na..... na na na na na na na na na na na .....
Two together and a summer day
We lick the sun and we take a bath
And two two together and a summer day, it's fine
And then we go home to you
You undress me and I undress you
And then we go home to you
Always let a girl check up you
It is much easier if you ask me
And I was full of shit, and you were shit drunk
and it was love at first ....
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
na na na na na na na na na na na..... na na na na na na na na na na na ..... osv etc.